Comunactivo...who?!First of all, cheers very much for visting my blog!
What's the point of it? The point of it is that I have entered a competition (ran by
HazRuido - "MakeNoise") that consists of writing about "comunactivo" things and in the process try to be the top-ranking website on December the 15th for the Google (Spain) search for the word "comunactivo". Like this:
comunactivo search.
What on earth is "comunactivo"? It's a made-up word - the closest English equivalent being something like "communactive". In this blog this has been interpreted as two things - "communicative" and "active community". So that's the kind of stuff I aim to write about here!
Why am I bothering? Because: 1) I could win a MacBook Air and I could really use a new computer that doesn't switch itself off or fall asleep when I'm surfing the Internet and surprise it by innocently opening Windows Media Player! 2) I'd like to make a go of working in this sector in the future (that should probably go first!) and 3) I've completed Hospital Tycoon and can't decide what new game or book to start!
So, I'll try to summarise on this page some of the most relevant posts I write about so that you can keep up with all the
comunactivo developments happening at!
And if you feel like being a lovely person and would like to link to
Comunactivo, I would be
eternally grateful! Comunactivo Issues!- German PM Merkel complains about French PM Sarkozy being overly
comunactivo with her! Rumour has it she is up to "hier" with Sarkozy's touchy-feeliness! Sarkozy is well known to be rather affectionate (double and triple kissing, back-slaps, etc. with Gordon Brown and Zapatero) but I ask, would he publically hold hands with any male politicians?
The Telegraph (couldn't find anything by The Guardian!) has run a story about it for more info...